I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy in the University of Iceland and the organizer of this project. I teach a course called Ethics of Nature which is open to students from a wide range of disciplines. Besides climate change and social change I am also interested in topics like philosophy of biology and ecology.
Some of my publications related to this project are:
- “Ethics in a Broken World: Can TV-Shows Help Us Navigate the Climate Breakdown?” in the book Creative Responses to Environmental Crises in Nordic Art and Literature (Lexington Books 2025)
- “Focusing on emotions in climate education: A felt sense of the climate” in the book Practicing Embodied Thinking in Research and Learning (Routledge, 2024)
- “The Gravity of Our Situation: On Acrophobia and Eco-Paralysis” in the book Elemental-Embodied Thinking for a New Era (Springer 2024)
- Loftslagskrísan og „rökvísi karllægrar verndar“ (English: “Climate Crisis and the Logic of Masculinist Protection”) in Fléttur VI – Loftslagsvá og jafnrétti (Háskólaútgáfan 2024)
- “Climate Disruption, Political Stability, and Collective Imagination” in Radical Philosophy Review (Volume 23, Issue 2, 2020)
I have given talks and presentations on these and related topics at academic conferences as well as to activists and the broader public and I am always happy to participate in a discussion or with a presentation. Contact me at oms @ hi.is